Voicemail Express
Hassle free & easy to useWith Voicemail Express, you can save precious voicemail messages and greetings from any phone, even a landline. All you need is a phone and a few minutes to permanently save your voicemails and keep them safe forever.
- Quick easy signup and instant activation
- Voicemail saving as easy as making a phone call
- Download voicemail to computer as mp3 audio file
- Works on all phones, carriers and voicemail boxes
Let the Voicemail professionals take care of it for you. We know the value of outstanding service, impeccable quality and prompt, white glove service and that’s why we are offering it to you with our famous Voicemail Valet recording and delivery service.
3 easy steps to save your messages right now
Sign up for unlimited voicemail recording time for just 29.99 and check your E-mail for instant activation.
Dial our access number
And we’ll connect you to your voicemail box. Just listen to the voicemails you want recorded and that’s it!
Online Account Manager
Your voicemail messages will be saved online to your Account Manager where you can login to download or listen at any time.
Works with all phone providers and phone models
iPhone, Android and all Smart Phones
All flip phones, cell phone and mobile phone voicemail
Home and Business voicemail systems
Instant Activation
Our cloud-based voicemail solution works instantly, allowing you to start recording precious voicemails immediately. Upon signup, we'll email you with simple instructions to record your voicemails in just minutes. With Voicemails Forever, you can rest assured that your important messages are always within reach.
Up to 3 Phones
Voicemails Forever works on up to three phones or voicemail boxes, making it easy to back-up and store all your important messages in one place. With our cloud-based solution, you can quickly and securely save your voicemails from multiple devices, so you'll never have to worry about losing them.
Record Voicemail Greetings
With Voicemails Forever, you can capture and save your favorite voicemail greetings from your phone or the phone of a loved one. Preserve memorable greetings and voices that are important to you. With our cloud-based solution, you can listen to these recordings anytime, anywhere, and relive those special moments whenever you want.
Online Account Manager
Voicemails Forever provides customers with a secure online account manager to store, download, and share their voicemail recordings. This feature allows you to access your messages anytime, anywhere and makes it easy to share important voicemails with others.
“ Just finished saving voicemails. I can't say enough good things about my experience using Voicemails Forever. THANK YOU for making this service available to those of us that don't have the 'latest and greatest' phone.”

Full service voicemail recording and delivery
Voicemail Valet
Voicemail Valet
Full service voicemail recording and delivery
- Get your messages delivered on a CD or USB memory stick
- Do you love white glove service?
- Too busy to find the time to do it yourself?
- Want the peace of mind that comes with quick and professional service?